I'm a thirty - ish young mother from the French west indies. Crafter, origamika, crocheter at heart.


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It all started with the rules...

With the "crochet blogs" rules. I really wanted to join that community, and what do I read in the rules :

Rules of the Ring:
  1. You must have a blog in which you actively write about crochet.

  2. (Ok, this is just what my blog is about : crochet, crochet, crochet! and a little yarn talk.)

  3. Upon visiting your blog, it must be clearly obvious that you crochet. Knitting and other fiber arts or crafts are wonderful, but if I have to dig for crochet content, you will not be accepted into the ring.

  4. (No problemo, I'm in...)

  5. You must post to your blog on a regular basis (at least once a month).

  6. (I post almost every day... Next one?)

  7. The ring code must be correct and clearly visible on the main page of your blog.

  8. (I'm just can't wait to do that! Next?)

  9. Your blog must be written in English.

My blog is in French!!!!
Ok, Ok... Think... Once a month at least, one post in English... Once in a month write in English... Ok.
I can do that!

So here it is...
My English crochet-blog.
Now I hope I will be accepted... Maybe I should wait to have more posted before I apply...

Anyway, dear reader, have fun, I surely will !



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