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Green vest "à la" Russian

I just wanted to wipe up a no-sew sweater, a warm winter one, but I had a yarn shortage accident (I got the yarn from my mother in law, who got it from her mother, reason why I HAD to do something with it although I really don't like this colour...).
So I improvised something to finishthe second part of the front, I used a few cotton ball I had in stock.

The stitch is a basic diamond cluster one. I chose it because it was full while keeping a textured lace-like look. It's crocheted in one piece, from front to front, starting with the leftside one (bear with me). Shoulders were crocheted afterwards in a single crochet stitch, allowing to attach the upper part of the fronts to the back, collar and arms were then crocheted in round, in single crochet too.

There's a button inside to keep the front in place, and one outside to close the collar. They are far less cute than what I expected... You live, you learn, next time it will be better...
The embroidery on the collar and shoulders is a kind of chain stitch serpent, I savedd just enougth of the original yarn to do : I wanted to add a Russian uniform look to the collar (à la "Général Dourakine" if you know Mme De Ségur's work) and combat the "my mother went out of yarn and I look a hot mess" syndrome...

You'll find details about this vest, stitch scheme and all, on this album

My daughter just loves this vest.
I must admit I love it too now !



~Blogger Erica Bunker~ said :

I love the vest! I this your pattern or did you find it elsewhere?

7:01 PM  
~Blogger Ophelia.K~ said :

Hi, I like this so much! If you have pattern of this, I want it! Its so cute!!!!

10:52 AM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

Hello Erica, hello Bridzy, thank you for visiting my blog.
This is my pattern, it's kind of freehanded. I tried to explain it as clearly as I could in the album.
You can PM me on Crochetville if there's something you don't understand, I'll be glad to help you out!

2:45 PM  
~Blogger Ophelia.K~ said :

Thank you Pyo! I just checked your pattern now. I wanna try to make it! I like your design!

2:41 PM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

Thank you!
Tell me how it goes!
I intend to rewrite the pattern in a more readable way, so any comment is welcome :)

7:22 PM  

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