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Bead Crochet... Hook

close-upIn an attempt to quench my desire for better looking crochet hooks, I decorated the ones I had with color wood beads...

I must admit the result is really satisfying... If I may say so myself.

The next step will be buying a breathtakingly beautiful and smoothGraydog hook amourously made out of precious woods...

I might present myself with one for my upcoming birthday...



~Blogger Pam~ said :

What a great idea! Did you glue them? Makes a dull hook beautiful! Can I copy you?! _Pam

5:36 PM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

Thank you for the compliment Pam, please don't hesitate and copy! i didn't glue them, they're just perfectly fitting in and don't move at all :)

9:16 PM  
~Blogger Pam~ said :

So cool - I'm going to go find some of my old beading stuff and copy your idea Pyo. I'll credit you if anyone notices! _Pam

5:07 PM  
~Blogger Ophelia.K~ said :

They are so pretty! Yeah, crochet stuff must be prettier!
And I love bead, so its perfect conbination!

I left my boyfriend in Japan, so I miss him. He doesn't write me email well, cus he doesn't like it. But it makes me sad. I want to know about what he is doing, thinking, and feeling everyday... That's why I made tear drop earrings.

1:26 AM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

You're very welcome Pam!

Hello Bridzy!
Kawai desu ne. Ano kohibito no koto ha, honto ni sabishi desu ne.
Gambate kudasai!

12:18 AM  
~Blogger Ophelia.K~ said :

Oh thank you pyo. You are japanese is very well! How did you get it?

With my boyfriend, it has become better. I talk to him once a week online. But I still miss him so much. I can't wait to go back to Japan!! (>_<)

2:31 AM  
~Blogger PippaW~ said :

What a lovely idea putting beeds on crochet hooks. I don't understand how you did it, but it lookss great and I wanna do it!!! :-))))

12:55 AM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

Thank you justin :)
well, I just thread the crochet hook through the beads, like I would have done with actual thread... as the beads' hole is the same width as the hook, it just stays in place :)

11:11 PM  

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