I'm a thirty - ish young mother from the French west indies. Crafter, origamika, crocheter at heart.


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Addicted to yarn...

I asked to join the yarn addicts community. I don't know if I'm entitled to do so.. I am a yarn addict but am I proud... I don't know.
I do like to open my drawers, boxes, cupbards and look at all this yarn, thread, fibers and other stuffs I have recklessly bought.
I do continue to buy balls, bobbins and cones of all types of fibers, although I know I will ha ve a very hard time finding a place to put them once I'm home.
I do appreciate window shopping yarn stores, even if I have more yarn than I will never be able to use.
I do collect new adresses of internet shops that I like to drool upon.
I do look forward to browsing the yarn category of e-bay, in search of new so called "bargains". I do love reading about new materials, like bamboo, corn or soya...


I do feel a little bit ashame of it. It's so out of control sometimes... We're even thinking of buying me another cupboard to stock my yarn stash. Isn't that a shame.

Hopefully my husbad is thoughtfull and shows a lot of understanding... maybe because I never say a word about his addiction to movies and his insane compulsion to buy DVDs...

Here's a glimpse at my yarn stash...

annyblatt_mohair annyblatt_victoria_impériale__100%nylon__50g.100m annyblatt_victoria_mazarine__100%nylon__50g.100m blanc_3kg bouton_d_or_mutine_cobalt bouton-d-or_flash_crystal.jpg bouton-d-or_flash_raisin bouton-d-or_flash_ressac bouton-d-or_flash_restes.jpg coton_chenille_tshirts coton_perlé fils harlequin_100%viscose_50g.150m miss_helen__Loisirs__blanc__100%acrylique miss_helen__Loisirs__blanc__100%acrylique__50g.130m miss_helen__Loisirs__ficelle__100%acrylique__50g.130m misshelen_spéciallayette mohair noir_2kg phildar mutine et cabotine _ coton Phildar__moirine__hibiscus__100%polyamid__50g.41m Photo 001 Photo 003 Photo 030 Photo 031 Photo 032 provence_frizelle_55%coton_45%viscose_50g.115m restes_divers (1) restes_divers (2) restes_divers (3) restes_divers (4) restes_divers rouge_5kg ruban inconnu ruban_bleu_inconnu rubans rubans_défaits sacs

You may have questions about the last one... Yes, it's plastic. What? It's not yarn? Well... not yet, but this is going to change...
How? let Manolo show you...

Update : March 30th

I recently found those lost in the depths of my cupboards:
bouton d'or stretchwool bouton d'or seduction. bouton d'or bouton d'or centurion bouton d'or challenge zephyr

and I just bought this one on e-bay :
coats cucirini Milano



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