I'm a thirty - ish young mother from the French west indies. Crafter, origamika, crocheter at heart.


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United colors of crochet : inuits

Crochet is one of the most widely spread textile art form in the world. Most
cultures have developed their own technics and have their own traditional crocheted
items. I recently stumbled upon this inuit nassak,
it's a quite recent tradition, a crocheted hat with a colorful pattern.

You might want to see other exemples on this site:

Mothers who are fond of baby wearing will be able to see another interesting traditional inuit item : the amautik,
a coat that allows the mother to wear her baby (from 0 to 3 years old) in her
back while keeping both warm and comfortable.



~Blogger PippaW~ said :

This is very interesting, and how lovely are these hats. I didn't know crochet was so spread in the world. Cool.

Thanks for the Java URL Pyo, I'll check it out!

10:57 PM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

You're welcome justine, my pleasure :o)

9:00 PM  

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