I'm a thirty - ish young mother from the French west indies. Crafter, origamika, crocheter at heart.


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Gotta yarn winder?

I was over-excited over the lego winder, but reading the instructions I had to come to this conclusion : i'm no lego freak, I can't even begin to grasp the way it's constructed, less so in English.

So I typed for help in my google tool bar and here what's it came up with:
Make your own power yarn winder.
I cannot thank enough the kind lady who wrote this tutorial.
If you read me, Thank you so much!.
I am going to use this method, especially now that I've just spent one hour trying to wind up my first ball.

Let me tell you this story.It will surely entertain you...

I was surfing the yarn category on e-bay (despite the fact that I've already bought more yarn than I would be able to knit, weave, emboider and crochet during my entire life, should I pass off at the age of 125) and I fell over this amazing silky pink stuff:

I could eventually resist the temptation to buy this one ...
and a few others from the same seller...

but I had to find a way to compensate.

I was like "there must be a way... I'm sure I can have it... I must be able to do that with my stash".

And I did.

It started with this :and it ended up with this :

The sewing thread gives a nice shine and brings a delicate accent to the red+black mélange.

And the resulting variagated yarn is far cuter than its parents! I was a little bit scared i would not like what this thread would look like once crocheted (ann I had 24 pounds of it!!! I must be crazy) but now i see vriagated is the way to go (as the seller had suggested on the auction page).

I'm really satisfied with this first try, I just hope it won't be too difficult to crochet, as the three threads are not tightly twisted into a solid strand, like store bought yarn balls are.

Wish me luck!

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