I'm a thirty - ish young mother from the French west indies. Crafter, origamika, crocheter at heart.


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Delta crochet

I've just found a new online crochet course :
They mostly use diagrams, which is OK with me (no more language problem) and mostly talk about filet...

Which I don't like.

I'm really not fond of filet crochet, I've seen some wonderful masterpices, but most of the time I find filet plain ugly and I think the method is boring : squares, squares, squares again... However, they propose a filet based on triangles, not squares, and this really seems very original.

I saved the page named "delta crochet" onto my computer(in case it would just vanish from the web... you never know!) and I surely will use this technic one day or another! Particularly the method allowing to create flowers... I just love them ...



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