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WIP : Striped blue top

Do you remember the knitted blue top Rose Mac Gowen was wearing ? I've been working on it on and off since I completed the "gauge" and had almost one third completed ... I went for a corset-like naked back top.

increasesI hesitated because I didn't know if I would make increases (so that my gigantic
boobs would fit comfortably in) or not, and weither they should be visible or not, dramatic or not.... I eventually decided for non-dramatic visible increases.

I was fairly content with the result when...

I noticed I would not have enough of yarn (again). I thought I actually had 6 more bobbins, but they are not the same colour. So I shifted from Bouton d'orFlash "crystal" to Bouton d'or Flash "cirrus"...

DSCN2163I just hope the difference won't show too much. As you can see, the two yarns
do not have the same shine. I keep my fingers crossed and I hope the green stipes will help.

Update: a few days later...

3 rangs 'cirrus'
I have now crocheted three rows in "cirrus" and although the difference is not blatant, it does show a little bit, both regarding the colour and the feel of it... Well, never mind. I've been working on that one for the past two months and I'm not going to frog it.

N. O. W. A. Y. !

I'll wear it anyway.



~Blogger StarKnits~ said :

ihope that it finishes ok. it looks alright from here...i think the main thing is are you going to be ok with the differences? they have some great crochet and knitted pieces on that show btw!

4:00 PM  
~Blogger Pam~ said :

This is the big issues when the yarn is slightly different, I bet you (or another crocheter/knitter) would notice, BUT NO ONE ELSE will!

5:55 PM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

Hello Allena, thanks for stopping by,
I think I will manage to forget about the differences, I intend to wear it under a jacket or a sheer shirt anyway (or I won't be ble to wear it at work, we have a strict dress code ). I agree about Charmed, I've always liked what the sisters were wearing.
Hi Pam,
You must be right, and in fact, we (crocheters/knitters) are always so critical about our work that we notice every little mistake and think they stand out like HUGE failures while nobody else noticed... lol

10:48 AM  
~Blogger hellokitty435~ said :

Such tiny stitches! Very nice job. :)

2:44 AM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

Hi hellokitty435, thank you for stopping by!
It does seem a little tedious but you get used to it quite quickly.
Next stop : thread ;o)

10:27 PM  

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