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Ice ice baby!

Ok, this is not about crochet... This is a cry for help...


Help me please! I need an Ice-shaver

Ok, this could be an emergency... well it is in fact because it's steamlike hot here, and the summer hasn't begun yet!

I just want to buy a plain old ice-shaver, the kind of thing my mother uses in the west indies, my problem is I can't find one in France...

at all

I already tried to buy one in the US but the shipment cost was prohibitive. Thanks God the guys in Hawaii where kind enough to ask me if I really wanted the item despite the sipping cost, because silly me didn't check the shipment cost before placing the order (duh!).

So I thought I had better chances finding a cheap one at a cheap shipment cost

... in Spain. So I dove into the Spanish Web...

But my Spanish is rotten!

So here's where you come and rescue me, dear Spanish speaking reader : how do you say "ice-shaver" in Spanish?

I tried GRANIZADOR, GRANIZADORA, TRITURADORA DE HIELO, but those are huge machines used by either the fishing industry or large restaurants.

I just want a tiny ice-shaver to make me some freezing ice cones

Would you help me?


Por favor!



~Blogger Pam~ said :

Good luck finding this, I looked alittle bit here (Minnesota, USA) but nothing, maybe you could take a hammer and smash a bunch of ice in a baggie, put it in a cup, then pour on some flavored juice. We make "brandy slushes" which is crushed ice and brandy, great summer drink!

6:26 AM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

Thank you Pam, I'll need luck!
The truth is I already crush ice in a plastic bag with a hammer on my kitchen floor, the problem is :
1 - I live in an appartment, I don't want my neighbours to start hating me!
2 - My consuption of slushes (we call them SINOBOL which is an alteration of the English snow ball) is increasing regularly, I need a way to produce more!!!
3 - as my consuption of slushes is increasing, my neighbours are already starting to hate me...

Ok, I'm kidding, number 3 is not a concern... not yet :p

5:57 PM  
~Anonymous Anonymous~ said :

Thanks for stopping by my blog, Pyo! I found one of these ice shavers at Target once. I don't know what they're called in Spanish. I feel your pain, though. It was really hot here a couple weeks ago and I was craving and ice cone!! Good luck!

4:21 PM  
~Blogger deborah~ said :

Hello! One good solution may be a snow cone maker. You can get them in stores, and they are fun!

2:57 AM  

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