I'm a thirty - ish young mother from the French west indies. Crafter, origamika, crocheter at heart.


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You don't eat food that makes you fat? You crave for yarn more than for chocolate? no problemo! Don't eat it! wear it!

Anata, nani mo tabemasen ka? chocolate yori kumi himo yoi desu ka? Sugoi! tabemono wo tabemasen! amimono ni suru yo!

Ok, feel free to correct my roting Japanese



~Blogger deborah~ said :

Hello Twinkie Chan! I am on the hunt for crochet blogs, both for fun, and to find others who love crochet also!
I am having a lot of fun reading your blog. I also am an avid postcard collector. So I am asking each blog owner I find to trade a postcard with me, besides some good stitch talk. Would you be interested in trading a postcard? Hoping to hear from you! Happy hooking!

2:50 AM  

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