I'm a thirty - ish young mother from the French west indies. Crafter, origamika, crocheter at heart.


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She wears it!

I was wondering weither I had crocheted a boléro (suitable for day time) or a "liseuse" (bed time only never-to-be-worn-outside- piece of clothing). The answer is : it's a bolero after all and she now wears it with pleasure, in those mid-season days when you don"t know how to both great the darding rays of sun and fight back the last spurts of cold. She looks lovely in it and I am delighted!
I closed it with a hairpin of mine, but now that she seems willing to wear it ( at last ), I might buy a girly button and chain a button hole.



~Blogger Norah~ said :

So cute!!!

6:11 PM  
~Blogger Pyo~ said :

Thanks Norah :)

7:40 PM  

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