I'm a thirty - ish young mother from the French west indies. Crafter, origamika, crocheter at heart.


I'm a yarnlete!



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uglify your shoes

funny ugly knitted shoefunny ugly knitted shoeI just found a very funny link on the Knot again blog.
I think it's a quite good idea if you want to make anew old shoes, and it might be easier using a crochet hook.
Anyway, enjoy !


Knotty Generation: Cable Queen

Knotty Generation: Cable Queen

Did I say I wanted to make myself an aran sweater? I don't know how she does this but my cables are far from being as clean and neat as hers...


Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
I'm ashamed!
I'm a crocheter, and my first crocheted scarf is a christmas present!!!
From my sister... If she reads me, thank you darling!

Merry Christmas everyone, happy crocheting!
Merry Christmas


Tomorrow is Christmas...

And I just found out I finally entered the ring I've been longing to be part of since I started blogging.
I'm now a Crochet Blog Member!
This is the coolest Christmas present ever!!!

Merry Christmas eve everyone!


Gotta yarn winder?

I was over-excited over the lego winder, but reading the instructions I had to come to this conclusion : i'm no lego freak, I can't even begin to grasp the way it's constructed, less so in English.

So I typed for help in my google tool bar and here what's it came up with:
Make your own power yarn winder.
I cannot thank enough the kind lady who wrote this tutorial.
If you read me, Thank you so much!.
I am going to use this method, especially now that I've just spent one hour trying to wind up my first ball.

Let me tell you this story.It will surely entertain you...

I was surfing the yarn category on e-bay (despite the fact that I've already bought more yarn than I would be able to knit, weave, emboider and crochet during my entire life, should I pass off at the age of 125) and I fell over this amazing silky pink stuff:

I could eventually resist the temptation to buy this one ...
and a few others from the same seller...

but I had to find a way to compensate.

I was like "there must be a way... I'm sure I can have it... I must be able to do that with my stash".

And I did.

It started with this :and it ended up with this :

The sewing thread gives a nice shine and brings a delicate accent to the red+black mélange.

And the resulting variagated yarn is far cuter than its parents! I was a little bit scared i would not like what this thread would look like once crocheted (ann I had 24 pounds of it!!! I must be crazy) but now i see vriagated is the way to go (as the seller had suggested on the auction page).

I'm really satisfied with this first try, I just hope it won't be too difficult to crochet, as the three threads are not tightly twisted into a solid strand, like store bought yarn balls are.

Wish me luck!

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just what I needed!

It's late, I'm tired and I have to wake up early tomorrow, but I HAD to share this!!!
I've been looking for an inexpensive winder on the internet for days, and look at what this guy came up with!!!

With this I'll be able to use yarn from my huge 2 pounds reel winding it up into tiny balls.

Where's that happy smilie again!
Ah! Here it is!


the three witches

I was asked for the pattern of these tops the halliwell sisters are wearing in a picture i once featured on my french web log.

I don't have the pattern.

but... I think it shouldn't be difficult to reconstruct...

Here's how i would do that...

The pink crochet top

It's a filet top with a kind of butterfly stringy pattern laying on the belly and the back. The breasts are covered with 2 pink variagated strips of fabric that overlap in the middle.

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